Kiss Our ASS
I just watched him—a a wannabe grand but disgustingly gaudy figure on a grand stage—peddling a litany of lies before Congress.
It was as if the air itself had turned to a toxic ink, rewriting our collective story with false promises and empty bravado. Trump, with his coterie of clapping and cheering sycophants, stood as a symbol of our era’s delusions, a grotesque parody of leadership.
In this age of manufactured realities, history becomes our silent witness. Recall the era when regimes, like malignant poets, crafted narratives to obscure their brutal truths—when oppressive governments spun fictions to justify terror and subjugation. Now, in today’s dystopia, the echoes of those past deceptions resonate. The Great Leader’s lies are not isolated—they are part of a continuum of power misused and truths obscured.
Yet even amid this bleak tableau, there remain sanctuaries of light.
I’m particularly focused on The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and my pal Harvey McKinnon’s effort to save it from the Canadian Trump-like attacks to kill it. If ever there were the proverbial canary in the coal mine it’s the CBC.
South of the border—the political meth house Canadians are living above–it won’t be long before Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and NPR, will soon be under increased fire. Both stand as steadfast custodians of truth. Their voices, measured and resolute, offer a counterpoint to the cacophony of deceit. They are not mere broadcasters; they are archivists of reality, guardians of our shared history and conscience.
We must rally to defend these institutions an other truth tellers. Apart from our own daily woes and challenges every nonprofit, every independent voice in our community, carries a sacred duty: to inform, to enlighten, and to awaken us from the numbing haze of misinformation. When leaders like Trump, and their equivalent ilk in Canada, attempt to rewrite our narrative with their ersatz truths, we must answer with a defiant act of remembrance and resistance.
It is not enough to be silent. In the quiet corridors of our hearts, where truth still flickers like some stubborn flame, we must stand guard. We must ensure that we along with our CBC, PBS, and NPR continue to speak with clarity and conviction, untainted by the distortions of those who would see us deceived.
For it is in our collective voice, in our unrelenting demand for honesty, that we find hope. It is in our stand for independent media that we preserve the very essence of democracy and freedom. And it is here, amid the ruins of broken promises, that we must plant the seeds of a future where t For it is in our collective voice, in our unrelenting demand for honesty, that we find hope.
It is in our stand in supporting independent, non-corporate media that we preserve the very essence of democracy and freedom. And it is here, amid the ruins of broken promises, that we must plant the seeds of a future where truth, fragile yet indomitable, will always find its way to the light.
For it is in our collective voice, in our unrelenting demand for honesty, that we find hope. It is in our stand for our own mission and the independent media that cove us to we preserve the very essence of democracy and freedom. For it is in our collective voice, in our unrelenting demand for honesty, that we find hope. It is in our stand for independent media that we preserve the very essence of democracy and freedom.
And it is here, amid the ruins of broken promises, that we must plant the seeds of a future where truth, fragile yet indomitable, will always find its way to the light.
Let’s come together, as a community united by the shared need for truth. Let us whisper to the winds of change that we will not allow our stories to be rewritten by the false prophets of our time. And in a language as raw and unyielding as the truth itself, let us tell those purveyors of deceit—those who fancy themselves the masters of reality—to Kiss Our Ass.
PSL Agitator Harvey McKinnon is on the barricades for the CBC. Please help at here.
The America I know.
As I watched the events unfold in the Oval Office on Feb 28th I saw the two so-called leaders of the free world bullying and berating a friend seeking their help, a foreign leader, a guest coping with a foreign language who happened to be a renowned hero, a wartime leader whose country is under daily attack, whose people are still being killed in their thousands as they fight for their very survival to repel a much more powerful, illegal invader. It was beyond horrific to see this proud, diminutive figure turned upon and mugged by America’s overbearing leaders, by his country’s once-staunchest ally, publicly belittled, browbeaten, lied to, humiliated, called ‘ungrateful’ and eventually, ignominiously thrown out.
The America I know will not be defined by such cowardly acts of bullying, boasting bravado. Rather, I believe the America I know and love steadfastly will be defined by how it calls out and speaks out against such shameful acts, by how it contradicts, exposes and condemns the bullies, the liars and the boasters. It will be defined, in history, by how it stands up full square for its treasured traditional values of fairness, justice and truth. That’s what will make America great again.
Thanks Roger
Thank you for this post Jeff. As a Canadian, it is very hard to watch how our friends to the south are falling down a shitstorm of democratic decay that will take decades to rebuild. I still have a hangover from yesterday’s lies and BS.
Thank you for also bringing attention to our efforts to keep the CBC alive. This is a revolving door issue for the Conservative party. Poilièvre, aka Trump-light, is a threat to our democracy and our future. We need to make sure he loses the elections because we need strong leadership to stand up to the bullies – there is no room for a wannabe in Canadian politics.
Thank you, Rog, for breaking through the deep fog of lies & deceit.
Thank you Roger for speaking up.
Nonprofits can make a big difference in getting information on what is happening to their constituents, rather than hiding their heads in the sand and deleting DEI references from their websites.
Most Americans still don’t know or understand that these huge cuts are happening and how that will affect them. E.g. There is no Weather Channel without the weather monitored by NOAA or agencies unable to find any federally compiled data. There will be huge delays in benefits, or no opportunities to interact with a service representative with massive cuts in staff at the VA or Social Security.
Speaking of Social Security, it is already clear that the Muskrats do not know what they are looking at when they look at the data (no, there aren’t millions of over 100 year-olds collecting). So it is very easy to assume they can intentionally or accidentally damage or destroy the complex system. If your earnings record , the history of all the earnings on which you paid FICA taxes, down to the quarter, are lost, there will be no way to establish your eligibility for benefits and no way to calculate the amount of your payment.
At the very least, npos can be advising their constituents (think email and mail lists) on how gutting the federal government will affect their work and also doing them a BIG SERVICE by advising them to download their earnings record now, at, before it is too late.
and, one more thing. There is resistance happening across the US but the mainstream media is not covering it. I stood with hundreds of Rhode Islanders yesterday at the fourth demonstration since Trump took office – none of these protests, including thousands of people, were reported in our paper of record (though well reported by the independent newsplatforms and journalists out there). Join or for notifications of actions in our area. Or use to keep the pressure on your congressmembers. Especially if you live in a republican district.
As a reader who has spent my career working for a PBS and NPR member station, I thank you for your words of support.