Last Chance

June 21, 2023      Kevin Schulman, Founder, DonorVoice and DVCanvass

What a fortnight it’s been.  Thank you Agitator readers for indulging over two weeks on one topic, Personality.  We think it matters that much to understanding human attention, interest and action.

And yes, DonorVoice has crass, commercial interest and we’ll end on that note while hopefully not souring the taste of the other Personality morsels shared along the way.

How do you pull off results like this? You tailor message to audience using behavioral science. Your file is full of people who are Open, Agreeable and Extraverted. 
The rub? They are different people. Your control sends the same message to all of them and does poorly compared to the what’s Possible.


You can know which donors on your file are Agreeable, Open, etc. And you can know how to message to each group.

Your cost to learn more? Nothing, free. Your cost to ignore? High.

The session is later today, this is your last chance. 

Join us during this informational session on Personality,

One response to “Last Chance”

  1. Peter Maple says:

    Spot on Kevin, those who give are generally kind and caring. We have to find the trigger points where the right ask at the right time gets a thumbs up rather than down!