Letters from Santa Claus

December 28, 2017      Kevin Schulman, Founder, DonorVoice and DVCanvass

Thank you for your kind letter letting me know what you want this Christmas.  While I am happy to give, I only give at the holidays and thus am not interested in joining your monthly giving program.  Additionally, since I give once a year, you need not mail me 20 times throughout the year.  One letter around the holidays will suffice.

Ho ho ho,
Santa Claus

Thank you for your email; I’d be happy to give you a Christmas gift.  Unfortunately, your online form requires a title for whatever reason.  I would be happy to oblige, but mine is not listed.  I had to settle for going by Mister.  May I humbly suggest you either not require title as a field or create a fully exhaustive list (even though my title is unusual)?

Your servant,
Saint (Mister?) Nicholas

Mrs. Claus and I enjoyed getting your letter.  She is a particular supporter of yours and wanted to make sure you were happy this Christmas.  However, when I went to give you your gift online, I could only make the gift in my own name.  For the receipt and for recognition in your annual report, can you list our gift in both names as seen below?

Thank you,
Mr. Santa and Mrs. Angela Claus

I gave a gift on December 25th and received your receipt immediately; thank you.  However, it has been but five days hence and I’ve received no less than five emails from you requesting additional gifts.  I only give the one day per year.  Was my 12/25 gift insufficient?  Please don’t ask me for additional gifts when I have just given online or you shall find yourself on the naughty list.

Kris Kringle

Thank you for the kind request of a Christmas gift.  I would love to give you a gift, but I saw no way to make the conversion from North Pole krones to American dollars on your site.  Might you consider including PayPal on your site to facilitate this?


I received your request for a gift.  Unfortunately, the previous two years, my correspondence back from you has been limited to a tax receipt.  We have no taxes here, one of the very few compensations for the climate.  But more importantly, I don’t know what you did with the gift, how you enjoyed it, or if you were grateful.  I have many gifts to give this time of year and while I expect little in return, I do expect this much.  Thus, you have fallen off my gift-giving list for now.

Merry Christmas,