Liberals Suffering From Outrage Fatigue

December 28, 2006      Admin

Are you feeling it yourself during this holiday hiatus? A dangerous pandemic that could seriously affect progressive fundraising in 2007. Stay indoors, preferably at home!

From The Onion:

“For a while, I wanted more fuel for the fire, to really get my blood boiling,” said Madison, WI resident Dorothy Levine, a reproductive-rights activist and former Howard Dean campaign volunteer. “I read the policy papers on the Brookings web site. I subscribed to The Progressive. I clipped cartoons by Tom Tomorrow and Ted Rall. I listened to NPR all day. But then, it was like, while I was reading Molly Ivins' Bushwhacked, eight more must-read anti-Bush books came out. It was overwhelming. By the time they released Fahrenheit 9/11, I was too exhausted to drag myself to the theater.” Read more here