Life After Fundraising

June 1, 2012      Admin

“Life after fundraising” doesn’t mean you stop trying to save the world.

Take the example of one of our favorite fundraising veterans, Mal Warwick.

Mal ‘dropped out’ of fundraising a couple of years ago to devote his energies to One World Futbol.

We’ll let his latest update speak for itself …

Hi, Folks!

I’m writing you from Shanghai about an extraordinary development at One World Futbol.

Less than two hours ago, at a crowded press launch here in Shanghai – and at a similar press event in Detroit – Chevrolet announced a three-year sponsorship of the One World Futbol Project. The company will pay for us to manufacture and distribute 1.5 million virtually indestructible One World Futbols to nonprofits, government agencies, schools, and other organizations working with disadvantaged children around the world. This is the largest distribution of donated soccer balls ever undertaken.

Now, exciting as all this is, I don’t want to give you the impression that the hundreds of journalists who crowded into the press conference here were hot on the trail of One World Futbol, or even Chevrolet, for that matter. The hullaballoo surrounded the other sponsorship Chevrolet announced at the same time: Manchester United, the storied football (“soccer”) team based in Manchester, England. Man United is the world’s most popular sports team, with a fan base recently estimated at 659 million. (That number is not a typo.) We’re extremely excited to be in such exalted company!

As you know (or even if you don’t), I joined the One World Futbol Project two years ago as one of four partners, leaving my operational role in Mal Warwick Associates to free me up for the intense work of launching a startup business. We already have tens of thousands of balls in play in 135 countries, but that’s just scratching the surface. The real work starts now—distributing 1.5 million soccer balls.

If you just happen to know the minister of education or the minister of sports in some emerging nation that could make use of 100,000 soccer balls that never go flat, never need a pump or needle, and go on playing even when punctured . . . well, please let me know!

Cheers, mal

Even though he’s left the fundraising playing field, Mal’s still scoring goals.

Soccer balls anyone? Large orders only!

Roger and Tom




3 responses to “Life After Fundraising”

  1. MB McIntyre says:

    My son’s church youth group has raised $ to purchase a box (24) of One World Futbol’s to bring on a mission trip this summer to Cheyenne River Sioux Lakota Reservation in South Dakota with Great mission and work Mal, nice call out Roger and Tom! Mary Beth McIntyre, Win-Win Giving

  2. tbelford says:

    Check out this help for One World Futbol coming via from Joan Smyth Dengler at Covenant House:

    Hello Mal –

    After reading Roger’s post today, I shared your message with Carolina Escobar Sarti who runs our program in Guatemala. She spoke with the government and they’re interested in 50,000 soccer balls for their kids.

    I’m copying Carolina here, so that you two can connect and perhaps work something out for the children of Guatemala.

    Thanks for this wonderful project!


  3. Sarah Scarth says:

    Hi Mal

    Following on Roger and Tom’s Agitator mailing last week, Brad Bing, MD of Sporting Chance is South Africa is interested in chatting to your further about this. His email address is

    Many thanks