Like It or Not, Your Newsletter Is Multi-media

June 13, 2006      Admin

An interesting article in Fortune asks:

“So should a magazine like Time, Rolling Stone or Fortune still think of itself as in the magazine business if a growing portion of its readers are seeing the content it produces online? Or should it produce content of all types under its brand there? This kind of existential question burdens – or should burden – anyone who creates or distributes branded information or entertainment.”

Are you just plopping your org's print newsletter on your website or e-mailing “as is” as a PDF file? HELLLOOO! We're in the 21st Century now. Your supporters, certainly most age 60 and under, are quickly getting used to — indeed expecting, given their experience with other websites — a more robust online experience.

No doubt many of your newsletter articles — presented online — could be vastly enriched by links to additional supporting material, including video, more images or audio. For example, why not reinforce that column from your CEO with an audio interview where he/she expands a bit on the topic. Use the power of the medium to bring your leader to life for your members/donors/activists.

If anybody out there in Nonprofitland is trying this, we'd love to hear about it.