Livng Dusday

November 1, 2023      Kevin Schulman, Founder, DonorVoice and DVCanvass

Over the last two years we’ve collected 573 Giving Tuesday emails.  Here’s a lexical analysis that categorizes email subject lines and assigns Autonomy, Competence and Relatedness scores.  Why do those scores matter?  These are our core, psychological needs.

If my brief interaction with your brand leaves me feeling need satisfied then you’ve created an internal flame of high-quality motivation, the gift that keeps on giving.

If I feel pressured or guilted, unsure if my giving was a good idea, no sense of connection to the cause or the brand or some combination, it’s bad.  The scores are created by rating against the genericized, “Gold Standard” and these emails, almost without exception, fail across the board.

The image is what AI thinks about these subject lines; ritualistic revival meets Times Square blinking and flashing neon.   I buy the Times Square feel, if only donors were as positively ritualistic as the image suggests.  These emails don’t help, they hurt.

Mark me down for just another Livng Dusday.


4 responses to “Livng Dusday”

  1. Tom Ahern says:

    Brilliant. Timely. Featured with FULL credit in my next e-news. Thank you.

  2. Also love this — bringing science to what I’ve always believed! I like Giving(Back)Tuesday — where we give back to our supporters and thank them for all the good they’ve created. Our very own “Thanks(for)Giving.”

    • Kevin Schulman says:

      Hi Claire, hope all is well. Thanks for reading and commenting and I like the flipping the script ideas for GT.