Ayelet Gneezy
Ayelet Gneezy is an Associate Professor of Behavioral Sciences and Marketing at UCSD.
Professor Gneezy received her Ph.D. from the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago, immediately after which she joined the Rady School of Management at UCSD. Prior to obtaining her Ph.D., Professor Gneezy earned an MBA in the Netherlands, and then returned to Israel to manage the strategic planning department in DataPro Proximity (a subsidiary of BBDO Worldwide).
Professor Gneezy’s research has been published in a number of leading academic journals, including Science, PNAS, the Journal of Marketing Research, and the Journal of Consumer Research, and has been covered in media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Scientific American, and the Atlantic.
Her research addresses a wide variety of questions pertaining to consumer behavior and decision-making such as behavioral pricing, prosocial behavior, social preferences (e.g., promises, negative reciprocity, fairness), and behavioral change (e.g. nutrition & exercise, poverty).
In her research, professor Gneezy collaborates with small (e.g., wineries) and large (e.g. Disney) firms and integrates field experiments to test her predictions “in the wild”.
She teaches Marketing Communications, Social Entrepreneurship and Consumer Behavior to MBA students.