Peter Ayton
Peter Ayton is professor of Psychology at City, University of London where he has been since 1992.
His research is concerned with the empirical investigation of human judgment and decision – particularly risk perception, decision-making under uncertainty and fallacies in thinking. His publications frequently address applied issues including the impact of computerised advice on radiologists’ cancer screening decisions; magistrates’ bail decision-making; effects of emotion on stock traders’ decisions, optimistic bias in convicted prisoners and the misconceptions of professional footballers.
One current research project is an investigation of the variance in charitable donations to the BBC Radio 4 weekly appeal as a function of the celebrity and gender of the speaker, the nature of the charity and the thoughts and emotions evoked by the narrative.
Peter has also held visiting appointments at Carnegie-Mellon University; University of California, Los Angeles, INSEAD; Princeton University; University of Mannheim and the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin.