Modest Monday

November 12, 2007      Admin

The New York Times' annual, must-read, Special Section on Giving appears in today's print editions and online. Go out and buy a copy. It's jam packed with a range of goodies you need to know about in your daily work.

Of course, we're partial to the piece titled “In the Fund-Raising Game, Blogs Cut Both Ways”. Reporters Noam Cohen and James Freed lead their piece on the emegence of the 160 + blogs on philanthropy with an illustration from The Agitator.

Faithful Agitator readers will recall the September and October postings on the report by Craver, Mathews Smith & Co intern Adam Church on how animal rights groups seized the opportunity presented by Michael Vick's dogfighting atrocity.

The Times cites The Agitator posts as illustrative of “the powers and pitfalls of charity-focused blogging, a small but influential factor in the world of philanthropy.” And how “even a relative obscure blog could help hold multimillion-dollar charities accountable.”

Roger and Tom