Morning Person or Evening?

June 12, 2023      Kevin Schulman, Founder, DonorVoice and DVCanvass

Your morning or evening preference is heavily dictated by your circadian rhythm.  This morning or evening-ness preference is also associated with your cognitive and emotional effectiveness.

I’d love to time my marketing message to when people are more likely to be mentally plugged in, wouldn’t you?

This is Personality week (1 of 2) and so the enterprising reader is likely one step ahead.  Yes, there is a relationship between traits and your morning or evening preference.

  • Conscientious people are more likely to be morning people and
  • Extroverts and those high in Neuroticism are more likely to prefer evenings.

What to do with this?

  • Step One, score your file with Personality so you know who’s who.

Learn about this at our learning session, registration is free

  • Step Two write your email to speak to Conscientious people by focusing on the hard work, dedication and effort of the beneficiary or charity staff.
  • Step Three set the send time for early morning, 7am.

Bonus points if you’re a religious charity as there is also a strong relationship between morning preference and religiosity.


P.S. DonorVoice is hiring, if you’re high in Conscientiousness, Agreeableness and Openness and yearning for professional growth, take a peak here.