Multiscreen Is The Message

September 4, 2012      Admin

Google last week released a remarkable study on how people access and use digital content these days. It’s an easy ‘must read’ with this excellent infographic presentation provided via TechCrunch.

The bad news for all you old-timers out there … only 10% of our daily media interactions are based on old-fashioned radio, newspapers and magazines; fully 90% — 4.4 hours worth of our leisure time — are ‘screen-based’. We spend our digital time on four primary media devices.

But the most used ‘on-boarding’ device is clearly the smartphone. And once we’re in the digital world, there’s plenty of cross-over amongst digital devices, both sequentially and simultaneously.

The device we use depends upon how much time we have, our goal (buying, browsing, researching, emailing, etc), our location, and our attitude or state of mind. For example, 63% of internet browsing now begins on smartphones, compared to 30% on PCs/laptops. Similarly, 66% of social networking begins on smartphones; 30% on PCs/laptops.


Communicators need to get an understanding of the dynamics involved in the multi-screen universe so many consumers/donors hop around in today. For instance, emailing is the top activity performed simultaneously with other screen use. So your fundraising email is just competing with other messages; it’s probably competing against another simultaneous digital activity altogether (like watching TV).

Who said it would be easy?


P.S. Thanks to Matt Miller at Mogul for the pointer.