NEW: Agitator Weekend

September 6, 2008      Admin

Welcome to the debut edition of Agitator Weekend.  We’ve created it partly for those who can’t get enough, and partly for those delinquent souls whose other weekday priorities somehow trumped their sessions with The Agitator.  -Roger and Tom


The Agitator’s Week in Review.  As Americans and Canadians celebrated Labor Day, Hurricane Gustav hurtled toward an evacuated New Orleans.  In Minneapolis the GOP forfeited its first day of national TV convention coverage in favor of fundraising for victims of the hurricane.  And all around North America hundreds of other fundraisers worried about meeting this year’s numbers.

Week of September 1, 2008:

MONDAY:  Took a Labor Day break

TUESDAY:  Lessons In Targeting Your Message Online with an insightful case study of how Emily’s List targeted the Democratic National Convention.

WEDNESDAY:  Fundraiser Refuses to Change Underwear.  Clearly still recovering from his Labor Day revelry Tom chronicles the application of a winning technique pioneered by political consultants James Carville, advanced by tennis sensation Rafael Nadal and now apparently perfected for fundraisers by Environmental Defense CEO Fred Krupp.

THURSDAY:  Why Does Obama’s Online Stuff Work So Well?  An online marketing pro lists the key elements for the Obama campaign’s online success: focus on building relationships … relevant application of social media like Facebook and FlickR … and paying attention to technical details while reinforcing brand.  A must read.

FRIDAY: The Real Costs of Online Fundraising.  From the pages of Fundraising Success magazine a brilliant piece by the development director of PETA.   Another must read for you and a raise for the author.

Your Weekend Bonus.  With a fortnight of Democratic and Republican conventions now behind us, there’s one take-away for all fundraisers regardless of your political stripe:  passion pays!

This was the week that saw – in a single day – the McCain campaign raise $1 and the Obama campaign $10 million.

Any wonder?  Just take a look at the remarkable acceptance speech by GOP VP Nominee Sarah Palin.  More than enough raw meat, skillfully delivered to fuel passion and inspire giving on both sides.

Given this week’s focus on the online world and the techniques that make it a potent channel for fundraising and communications, I can’t resist passing along the YouTube spoof of the conversation between McCain and Palin as he informed her of his choice.

Enjoy your weekend.



One response to “NEW: Agitator Weekend”

  1. ebarker says:

    You should have resisted passing on the YouTube spoof.