New free ask string white paper and webinar

September 14, 2016      Kevin Schulman, Founder, DonorVoice and DVCanvass

Wanted to let you know quickly about two new free resources:

  • We have a new white paper up called The Science of Ask Strings.  It walks through donor psychology, how to set your ask string goals, and how to use behavioral science to get the results you want.  It’s a free download here.
  • Thanks to everyone who attended our ask string webinar today with Roger Craver, editor of The Agitator.  If you missed it (or want to relive the magic), you can still download the video of the webinar here.

And don’t forget about our other two free webinars the next two weeks:

  • Increasing your donors’ gifts per year on Wednesday, September 21st at noon Eastern: DonorVoice principal Josh Whichard puts his 15 years of nonprofit direct marketing experience to bear on how to create an effective multi-gift program.
  • Using behavioral science to get people to opt in on Wednesday, September 28th at noon Easter: DonorVoice principal Kevin Schulman and chief behavioral scientist Dr. Kiki Koutmeridou, PhD, walk through designing choices that make people click or check YES.

Thanks and hope they help!