One World Futbol

August 20, 2010      Admin

I like Mal Warwick’s cause, One World Futbol.

But be that as it may, I also like this mode of presentation. [Make sure your speakers are on.]

Do you think it might work for your cause?


4 responses to “One World Futbol”

  1. you get a message that says the slideshow does not exist.

  2. Rory Green says:

    “We’re sorry but the requested GoldMail message does not exist.”

  3. tbelford says:

    Can’t explain. It’s working on my computer/browser. Sorry. Tom

  4. Brock Warner says:

    The presentation worked for me, and I actually watched it first via Mal’s newsletter.

    I like slideshow, it presents his case very well. One thing I was slightly disappointed in was that after entering my name, I waited in anticipation for some sort of amazing personalization in the presenation, or for Mal to say “Brock, please consider….” but nope. Nothing.
