Online Appeals I Like — 2,501

December 18, 2015      Admin

But first … WOW! As I sit down to write this post, I notice that Roger’s article of yesterday was The Agitator’s 2,500th post. No wonder I’m feeling tired.

What’s sad about it is that only two people — Roger and I — have read all 2,500 … and I’m not too sure about Roger.

But I digress (however, it’s Friday and I’ll have a drink to celebrate when I’m done).

I’m sure your email in-box is overflowing, like mine, with year-end appeals.

I just wanted to bring two to your attention that really caught my eye.

The first is from Charity: Water, who generally get things right.

The subject line was perfect: Giving feels good. Pass it on.

That captures everything The Agitator, Jeff Brooks at Future Fundraising Now, and so many of our other favorite bloggers have been saying about what the fundraising role and process is all about — making donors feel good about acting on their best instincts.

And here’s the image — the only content in the email — that invited response …

Screen Shot 2015-12-18 at 6.11.22 pm

Simplicity. “Share the giving feeling.” Terrific. And be assured, the ‘mechanics’ behind this Give Now button were well-oiled.

Here’s the second appeal, from WWF. A classic approach. I like it because of the ‘mother/child’ image — appealing in and of itself — that reinforces the well-traveled ‘adoption’ technique. AND because it makes a serious ask — for a monthly gift.

[Sorry, this is all one continuous scroll in my email.]

Elephant Screen Shot 2015-12-17 at 9.04.59 am elephant 2

Gets a great score on technique — time-tested adoption approach, kit, plush animal … and all driving toward a monthly gift.

Got any year-end favs you’d like to share?


P.S. Now for that celebratory Old-Fashioned. Cheers Roger!

3 responses to “Online Appeals I Like — 2,501”

  1. Happy new year Mr. Belford and Mr. Craver. And happy new year to all the Agitator readers. Simone Joyaux

  2. mike says:

    You mentioned that Charity Water “gets it right”. My son attended their gala in New York. 400 attendees were given very sophisticated virtual reality head gear to “hear and see” a customized view of Charity Water’s work around the world! Every attendee had a completely different experience.

    Can anyone top that?

  3. While I’m normally a HUGE fan of Charity Water, when I received that email appeal, I was definitely blown away by the beauty of the photograph they used. But from there, it went downhill for me. It’s “charity” and “water” – I had no idea what was in the bowl and how that related to water. Even after clicking through to their page, I was confused. It took me a moment to realize they were inviting YOU (or me) the donor to think about our table during the holidays. It would make more sense to me if they were an organization that did something related to food… but not water. So in my book, this was a miss. Am I the only one who felt this way?