Online Fundraisers – Back To Basics

October 23, 2009      Admin

Last Wednesday, I was pretty hard on nonprofits for not getting the basics right with respect to online fundraising, instead using scarce energy and resources to plow into the hottest new thing, like Twitter. That post generated some interesting comments, which I hope you’ll go back and read.

When I wrote that post, I had just spent a week or so browsing about and reviewing a handful of nonprofit websites that I thought might have lessons to teach. But I also had the advantage of previewing a report, now published below, describing the pitfiul findings of our Guest Agitator, Lisa Sargent, as she far more methodically set out to synthesize some email fundraising best practices by examining nearly 300 nonprofit sites … a search limited to the wealthier nonprofits, I might add.

Here’s the bad news from Lisa:

The Scary State of Nonprofit Websites and Email Marketing

The trouble started back in February.

Based on an Agitator post, Did you say half a billion?, I decided to visit the websites of 99 US nonprofit organizations and sign up for their email newsletters and e-appeals.

The goal was to see how well they were capturing email addresses, and to track the email communications that they sent to donors and prospects… thereby building a massive email “swipe file,” along with an e-news best practices checklist to use for my copywriting business.

So I began with the biggest nonprofits — those spending more than $1 million on fundraising annually. (Overall, fundraising expenses ranged from $1.1 to just over $64 million. Per year.)

Armed with more financial resources, I assumed, these bigger nonprofits would be doing more with their websites, email newsletters and online fundraising.

I was wrong.

In order to even find 99 nonprofit e-newsletters to subscribe to, I had to visit more than 200 nonprofit websites. What a struggle!

Worse yet, by the time I’d subscribed to e-newsletter #20, my list of bulleted notes about nonprofit websites and the sign-up process itself was 17 pages and growing… along with my supreme frustration at the entire sign-up process. (Especially acute thanks to incessant blaring of the social media siren song: Have online fundraisers completely forgotten the basics? I wondered.)

Barriers to online fundraising, Tom? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Nearly 300 nonprofit websites later, I’ve catalogued the sign-up process for about 100 of those, and achieved the goal of 99 nonprofit e-news subscriptions. As of this writing, my research inbox holds 1,736 emails from nonprofits.

Your readers can download the complete report via a link at the end of this post. Meanwhile, sample the bitter taste of my research findings (remember: these NPOs are BIG)…

1. No e-newsletter at all. Nearly every college and university website I visited didn’t have an e-news sign up box. (Two exceptions: Amherst College and Baylor University.)

I wonder, what happens to the poor prospective parents who visit the websites? Other common offenders: zoos, operas and foundations, who love RSS but shun e-news. Another NPO (not a college) had a wildly active forum with over 16,000 posts… but no e-newsletter. Egad!

2. E-news offered, but no sign-up box on home page. Or, sign-up box buried below the fold. If goal #1 or #2 of your website is to capture email addresses, why keep it a secret?

3. Linearitis: NPO assumes everyone enters from their home page. (Read as: zero sign-ups on lower level pages.)

4. Kitchen sink sign-ups: NPO asks for too much info on sign-up form. Several actually wanted my full date of birth.

5. Murky calls to action. On one site, the email sign-up call to action was to “Join eClub.” At another, “Become a Friend.” Huh? When I clicked, I was whisked away to 1,336 words of Security Warnings, Terms and Conditions.

6. Asking me to confirm if I’m “in your system” on the redirect page.

7. Making me click through four separate sign-up layers to subscribe.

8. Using System Administrator and Web Master as the sender address for the welcome email. (Yes, it’s true.)

9. Redirects that never say thank you at all, or recycle the same copy on the sign-up page.

10. Offering an e-newsletter, but… requiring that subscribers either log in or create a password in order to complete the sign-up process.

In closing, I return to The Agitator’s “half-a-billion” post, to ask a follow-up question: if even the most basic stuff was fixed on nonprofit websites — from simple sign-up boxes and regular, relevant emails to easy-peasy SEO-like title tags and description metas — how high do you think online fundraising would climb then?

The mind reels.

Lisa Sargent

P.S. The research never did become a best practices checklist. But it is, as of now, a two-part report. So if you’re ready, download the free report on nonprofit websites, online fundraising and email marketing: 99 Nonprofits. (And yes, it really is free: you don’t even have to leave your email address.)

4 responses to “Online Fundraisers – Back To Basics”

  1. Tade says:

    It is with great irony that I say… your link to the report 99 Nonprofits doesn’t work.

  2. Stephen Best says:

    Where, oh, where to start! With few exceptions, and none I’ve seen in the non-profit sector, all websites totally suck (including my company’s). Why? Because they ignore how people actually use media and what they want media and messages to do to them–make them FEEL!

    Look at any non-profit website, and what you see is a krappy kludge of boring bad print, boring bad video, and boring bad audio–and most of it is not only out of date, but rarely leverages or supports earned media where the real excitement is.

    Who was the www guru who thought that a website should be an impenetrable, unreadable, emotionally-bereft info-wall of textual and graphic noise?

    How many nonprofit websites invoke a clear emotional response the moment they load? While I haven’t visited them all, but based on the many I have, the answer approaches “none”. Perhaps that’s an exaggeration. Less than “none” would be more accurate, because what websites generally invoke is numbing, fearful confusion.

    For an example of a website that does work, in my view, visit where video with (wait for it) stories are featured on the wide screen in HD. Or visit

    Here’s the take home message. Human beings are feeling animals that think. They are not–repeat not–thinking animals that feel. If a non-profit’s website is information heavy, rather than one that instantly invokes a profound emotional experience, by definition, it sucks. If it relies on text and still images, rather than video, it sucks. If it lacks a narrative that evokes emotion, it sucks. By all means have lots of information, but put it somewhere away from the main pages and visitors where it won’t drive a telephone pole sized stake through the non-profit’s emotional heart.

    People do things for emotional reasons. They then acquire the information necessary to rationalize their emotional response. For all practical purposes, nobody thinks and nobody reads; they watch, they listen, and they feel!

    Websites–as a medium–offer a phantasmagorical, and evermore fascinating palate of opportunities to evoke emotions, and, only incidentally, to provide the necessary factual rationales to turn those emotions into action. However, the web world’s creative people haven’t yet mastered the medium. The copy writers are writing copy that wouldn’t make it in a Dear Friend letter. The web designers are mastering Flash that barely expands on the art of the travel brochure. The social media people are living in a delusion. And those who are masters at evoking emotion, are nowhere to found. They’re writing novels and plays, making TV shows, and producing movies and musicals. They’re making people feel.

    There, that feels better.

  3. Betsy Harman says:

    Great post and Lisa my hats are off to you for taking the time to write such a great report. I have been telling nonprofit orgs to do the things that you suggest for nine years now. Having a friendly, clear, and easy to complete email signup form and prominently displaying it on your website above the fold is not rocket science and I still don’t understand why so many nonprofits don’t do it. I’ve also seen organizations that have a multi-step approval process and carefully review every word that goes out in print but they have their least experienced person doing their email newsletter or writing website copy and nobody is reviewing it. I received an e-appeal the other day from a public radio station that told me all the reasons that I should join their ongoing sustainer plan for giving but there wasn’t a single link in it to the form to actually join the plan. Oops! Again, thanks for a great report. I hope it will be read widely and used by nonprofits.

  4. Pamela Grow says:

    Fantastic post, Lisa!

    As Charlie Brown used to say “AAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!”

    I recently looked up a former client’s website to “tweet” them for Twitter’s #charitytuesday. On the home page I looked for the “Donate” button … and looked and looked. Finally, buried on another page I found this (copied directly):
    If you would like to donate via the internet please go to or . Once on one of those sites you can just search for [name of org omitted to protect the guilty]. You will then be lead to our donation page.

    I wish I was making this up.