Online Marketing – Theory & Practice

March 20, 2007      Admin

Today we're offering two kinds of nourishment.

For those who'd like to learn by reflection, in this case on the changing nature of the digital marketing environment — diminishing impact of traditional media, proliferation of consumer-generated media, new communications gadgets, enormous challenges to measuring media effectiveness, and other mega-trends — we point you to this series of articles by Max Kalehoff.

Max is a thoughtful observer of marketing trends at Nielsen BuzzMetrics. His insights on consumer engagement, using mountains of consumer-generated digital data, and new marketing metrics are just as relevant to cause marketers as they are to the commercial world.

Those who prefer to learn by example can cut to the chase and see the “latest and greatest” of online marketing in the political and cause arena, check out the 2007 “Golden Dot Awards” just announced by George Washington U's Institute for Politics, Democracy and the Internet.

Award categories include best online political campaigning, best websites for candidates and issue advocacy campaigns (the latter won by The Great American Condom Campaign), best political and issue advocacy blogs (the latter won by, best online viral campaign, and several others.

Good food for thought, whatever your learning style.

Roger & Tom