Play. Learn. Save the World.

July 24, 2006      Admin

“The generation that grew up with Super Mario is entering the workplace, entering politics, so they see games as just another good tool to use to communicate” says Henry Jenkins, an MIT professor quoted in Sunday's New York Times.

The Times piece, “Saving the World, One Video Game at a Time”, explores and reports on a range of new socially and politically focused games designed to provide players new perspectives on the world — ranging from conflict in the Middle East, to genocide in Darfur to the problem of global hunger.

Reporter Clive Thompson outlines the key players, the size of audiences attracted and even what major foundations (MacArthur) are doing to support this new wave of public education and involvement.

These games are posting serious numbers in terms of audience. The UN World Food Programme's game “Food Force” has been downloaded by 4 million players!