Please Take The Agitator Survey

October 27, 2007      Admin

We need your feedback!

Earlier this month, The Agitator passed an exciting milestone … we signed up subscriber #1,000. And the pace of sign-ups (we're now at 1,070) and visits to our blog is quickening.

As a group, our subs read almost 11,000 posts in the last thirty days. And, depending on which web analytics program we believe (!), another 2,000 to 6,000 unique visitors browse the site each month.

Since we started The Agitator, over 7,000 of our white papers and other resources have been downloaded by readers.

We're thrilled that The Agitator appears to be providing useful content to nonprofit fundraisers and communicators.

And we're prepared to put even more effort into providing a better and more valuable resource for our readers.

We ask only that you take a few moments to complete this reader survey, in which you can critique The Agitator and indicate the kind of topics and coverage you would find most useful in the future.

Only 12 questions to answer, taking just a few minutes.

We thank you for reading The Agitator. And special thanks to the many of you who have contributed ideas, content and comments.

We look forward to hearing from you.

And as dyed-in-the-wool direct marketers, we must emphasize …


And don't forget to answer the question about your raise.

Roger & Tom

P.S. The two of us will be “retreating” the week of November 12. Please get your responses in by then. We'll be sharing the results with you.