Power Of Premiums

June 13, 2012      Admin

I’ve expressed reservations about premiums. But I basically conclude … let testing and rigorous analysis of the net long term value of premium-acquired donors decide the proper course for your organization.

With that proviso, I’m happy to forward this entertaining discussion of premiums — The Power of Premiums — from fundraising maven Denny Hatch. Get past what he doesn’t like about Obama’s fundraising premiums … the best advice comes at the end, in his ‘Takeaways to Consider’.


One response to “Power Of Premiums”

  1. Ryan says:

    I take issue with the statement in the article that suggests premiums are almost a necessity because “many nonprofit organizations do not have the pulling power to succeed in their fund raising effort through a straight appeal solicitation.” My question would be, if a nonprofit is not able to raise money based on their cause alone, can that nonprofit really justify their existence?