Quality or Quantity Sustainers?

February 8, 2021      Kevin Schulman, Founder, DonorVoice and DVCanvass

Way too much fundraising has an implicit “Or” that creates a false choice between Quantity or Quality of the donor.

You’ll want to register for the upcoming sustainer webinar to learn how we can go from “Or” to “And” and hear from The Atlanta Humane Society, and One&All on how to apply behavioral science to get rid of your “Or” problem.


But why the “Or” and why do so many (most?) programs land on Quantity?  Here are a few thoughts and observations.

  • Quantity is super easy.  Most of us can count.  A fundraising metric a kindergartner can employ.
  • Quantity matters.  You can’t make an impact with two really, really high quality donors.


  • Our understanding of Quality needs a reboot.   Using retention as the behavior metric makes sense but sitting around and waiting to see if folks make subsequent sustainer payments to reveal themselves as “high” or “low” quality is a recipe for disaster.
      • In sustainer world there is a relationship between age and retention, younger folks quit at a higher rate.
      • Way too many groups rely on this fact as their “Quality” measure.  Never mind we know age is only one of about 20 metrics that matter to predict retention
      • Age, like Quantity is super easy.  Another kindergartner, counting metric.
      • Quality can differ in amount (more, less motivated to give and keep giving) but is also differs in Quality.
      • Quality of motivation is under our control.  100%.  If your fundraising experiences (e.g. TM conversation, Canvass conversation, training and scripts, subsequent donor communications) breed high quality motivation you’ll have donors for life.
      • Fostering quality motivation does not come at the expense of getting the sign-up.


  • Way too many of our fundraising interactions breed low quality motivation.
  • The sector too often treats Quality/Motivation as a born trait – some people are either high quality donors with high motivation or they aren’t…


P.S. Don’t forget to register, you’ll get all the specific details on how to define, measure and breed high quality motivation and not sacrifice quantity.



One response to “Quality or Quantity Sustainers?”

  1. Lilah Kohn says:

    Hi – I missed this webinar and was wondering if there is a recorded version that I can get my hands on?
