Red Nose Day

March 14, 2007      Admin

Mike Johnston of HJC New Media, friend and fundraiser for causes in Canada, reminds us that Friday the 16th is Red Nose Day, a glorious young tradition in the UK (and a few other enlightened countries).

Red Nose Day is a day of nationwide consciousness raising for efforts to assist the disadvantaged in the UK and Africa, under the umbrella of Britain's Comic Relief organization. It's capped by a prime-time special on the BBC.

If you're one of our many UK readers, we suspect you're eager to wear your red nose.

For the rest of you, we strongly urge you to visit the Red Nose website for a treasure trove of ideas for creative and fun ways to raise consciousness about your cause. The country that gave us Mr. Bean and Monty Python has creativity to spare in terms of mainstreaming serious social issues.

Mike's own contribution to Red Nose Day can be seen here.

Roger & Tom

P.S. The Agitator's editors have been seen with red noses from time to time, but that's a different, less noble, story.