
May 27, 2019      Roger Craver

“Most of all, I learned that for all his faults, man is worthy of this world.  For every reckless belligerent who seeks war, there are thoughtful and wise men and women who strive for peace.  For all the unbridled hatred that abounds there is an even greater amount of unconditional love.  Man’s passion far exceeds his greed. His caring is greater than his brutality. His courage outshines his cowardice and his sense of hope always prevails.”


                                  –Admiral William McRaven, former Commander of US.Special Operations Command and former Chancellor of the University of Texas Sytem.

Excerpted from his new book Sea Stories .



3 responses to “Remember”

  1. Ken Burnett says:

    Thanks Roger. Just what I needed as an antidote to the insanity of Brexit.
    Best, Ken

  2. Jay Love says:

    Beautiful post Roger…

    Happy Memorial Day!

  3. Peter Maple says:

    I’m with Ken, a very uplifting quote at a fairly horrid time. I might even use it myself!