Sleeping Fundraising Giant Awakens

August 24, 2015      Admin

What advice would you give to Chinese fundraisers intent converting the world’s largest middle class into donors?

That was Ken Burnett’s assignment at the First China Fundraising Conference in Beijing last month.

The Conference, sponsored by the newly formed China Association of Fundraising Professionals (CAFP) and supported by four major foundations, aimed at putting increased attention on individual giving from a middle class that is projected to reach 630 million folks in the next 7 years.

China PosterRead Ken’s full and personal account of his expedition to China here.

I was particularly fascinated by Ken’s description of the delegates — their interest, sophistication and enthusiasm — at the four sessions he attended.

Here’s how Ken describes his advice to fundraisers in the world’s largest fundraising market:

Citing the great Confucius as my mentor I presented my advice as 10 wise insights for China’s emerging fundraising profession, shortcuts they might learn from us. I can only give the briefest summary here of what I told them.

  • Fundraising isn’t about money, it’s about inspiring work that urgently needs doing.
  • People don’t just give to need, they also need to give.
  • Before you receive you must first give yourself.
  • Fundraisers have to build a dream and present it consistently.
  • Emotional storytelling is at the heart of great fundraising.
  • The most important word of all for fundraisers is ‘you’ (not we, I or us).
  • Showing appreciation is the best fundraising opportunity of all.
  • Fundraisers should become famous for frequent, fast, fabulous feedback
    (the five Fs).
  • Doing good is good for you and also good for business.
  • Fundraisers should build all their communications around ‘the truth, told well’.

Says Ken about the future of fundraising in China: “It would be truly ironic if the Chinese were also to lead the way in donor-centered relationship development. Of course that’s still a distant dream, but after eight days with China’s top fundraisers I’m not just optimistic for their future, I’ll be surprised if they don’t catch up in a fraction of the time it’s taken us to get where we are. And I expect to see Chinese speakers headlining at Western fundraising conferences really very soon.”

Given the speed of change in China it won’t take long to see if Ken’s right or wrong.


2 responses to “Sleeping Fundraising Giant Awakens”

  1. Cindy Fish says:

    Two decades ago as a senior in college I was required to take an international study course – China was the focus. The final paper (1/2 of your grade!) was how you would improve living conditions. As an adult learner working as a fund raiser at the time I proclaimed that immersing the culture in philanthropy was the answer. I just wish I could have stated things as eloquently as Ken – he is a master. I will be sharing his 10 insights with the fund raisers I work with every day.

  2. Ken Burnett says:

    Dear Cindy,

    Thank you for your charming comment. If I were two decades younger I’d be off to China tomorrow, as despite their currently jittery markets I’m sure there’s a great opportunity there for individual philanthropy. But I’m delighted to hear that my ’10 sage advices’ are being shared with fundraisers in the USA too.

    All best, Ken