Small Change…Big Tears…Great Advice

December 16, 2019      Roger Craver

Month after month the folks at NextAfter treat us –without charge — to their online library of testing treasures.

These are folks in quest of answers to the fundamental question: Why do people give?

In fact, they’re obsessed with finding the answer in the digital world.  Their Research Library contains, in their words, “the results of 1500+ experiments to give you ideas and insights on what to testwhere to test…and how to develop learnings about your donors in order to grow your online fundraising program.”

Next time you’re puzzling over a digital campaign you’d do well to spend some time in the NextAfter Research Library.

So, in the spirit of the holidays,  I couldn’t  resist the message from Tim Kachuriak, CEO of NextAfter inviting me to check out the short film they prepared for this season of giving AND challenging me to see if my heart is still soft and my tear ducts working.

I invite you to do the same.  If you’re not reaching for the Kleenex at the end you’ll benefit from the great underlying fundraising lesson that’s embedded—how simple, incremental change makes a huge difference.

So, click on the link below.  And start crying.



An Agitator Holiday Raise to NextAfter, plus a box of Kleenex along with our gratitude for their generous year-round sharing of test results.










One response to “Small Change…Big Tears…Great Advice”

  1. Chip Grizzard says:

    This has to be my favorite.