Still Pondering Online Video?

August 1, 2008      Admin

Here’s some data re online video used by BrightRoll, the internet’s biggest online advertising network.

1. Video is Bigger Than Search: 12 billion videos are watched per month vs. 10.5 billion searches conducted.
2. Video Consumption is Quickly Moving Online: 19% of total video consumption is now online, versus 11% a year ago.
3. Most Users Consume Video: 80% of Internet users watch video, moving to 88% by 2012.
4. Consumption is High Across All Demos: 76% of children and 44% of seniors watched online video.
5. Video Is Fastest Growing Ad Category: Video advertising will growth 45% this year vs. 37% for social media.
6. TV Scale is Accessible Online: Many vendors now represent unique and volume numbers that are larger than prime-time TV.
7. Video is Highest Performing Unit Online: Pre-roll video outperforms all traditional display units on brand lift, brand recall and lift in purchase intent.

Not a disinterested party, to be sure. But still … Bottomline: the scale and usage is there … whatever reach and demographic you might want to target.

BrightRoll’s CEO, Tod Sacerdoti, has a blog you might want to check out. Clients like National Geographic and Liberty Mutual. Naturally, lots of BrightRoll pitching on Tod’s blog, but informative nonetheless … especially if you want to get into the weeds a bit.
