Stunning Stat

April 10, 2008      Admin

Reuters reports that the internet will usurp television as the biggest advertsing medium in Britain by the end of 2009 … according to a report by the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PricewaterhouseCoopers.

For three generations, TV has ruled the roost. Talk about a paradigm shift!

In the US, 2007 online advertising is estimated at $21 billion by the IAB and TV is at $47 billion according the Television Bureau of Advertising … so internet advertising still lags considerably behind. But there’s no reason to believe the same shift won’t happen here, sooner rather than later.

Getting ready for an environment where TV viewing doesn’t totally dominate what consumers think and buy? Or what donors know and think is important?

What do you know about your donors’ online habits and preferences? Watch this space tomorrow!
