Tell Us Your Vital Signs

October 31, 2008      Admin

Given the challenging economic environment as the books close on calendar 2008, The Agitator would like to take the pulse of fundraisers and share your collective sense of the fundraising outlook for nonprofits over the balance of the year.

We have put together this brief eight-question Vital Signs survey to collect your perceptions and predictions.Whether you work in a nonprofit or for a fundraising agency or as a fundraising consultant, we would like to hear and share your prognostications.

Please take the Vital Signs survey by November 5th, as we plan to report the results on Friday, November 7th.

Thereafter, we will publish fresh Vital Signs survey results every two weeks for the balance of the year, as reported by those of you who choose to share your impressions through our Vital Signs Panel.

We look forward to your assessment … and hope you will participate in our Vital Signs Panel.

Roger & Tom