Terrific Motivator … Thanks!

November 9, 2011      Admin

We’ve just been updating our Agitator website … specifically the ‘crawl’ that displays some of our subscribers.

We’re so far behind the curve on this (with barely a couple hundred subscribing organizations listed, out of several thousand), so we decided to refresh the list going forward by just updating with newly subscribing organizations.

Something must have happened yesterday in the UK or Europe, because we got several dozen new international orgs overnight. Thanks for the mention, whomever!

Seriously, take a look at the scrolling list The Agitator site (bottom left column), it is just awesome the range of causes and missions that are served by the nonprofit fundraising community … from the smallest community food bank to giant global charities with nine-figure budgets to squadrons of fundraising firms and consultants.

While we grump around a lot on The Agitator about folks needing to do a better job, we deeply admire the efforts and values of this far flung community. Hell, you could all be working on the Wall Streets of the world … milking the system.

And we are truly humbled that you find our rants and ramblings helpful as you pursue your missions. You motivate us to try harder too.

Roger & Tom

One response to “Terrific Motivator … Thanks!”

  1. Gail Perry says:

    So glad to see you guys being cheerful!