The 3,001st Post — Giving Thanks for Tom

December 1, 2017      Admin

Today’s post is The Agitator’s 3,001st.

And my first without Tom beside me in this foxhole.

After 10 years of conspiring on The Agitator it’s of course more than a bit sad and strange to be breaking the habit of checking each other’s work each day. Or bantering back and forth; sometimes seriously, sometimes irreverently, always hopefully.

I’ve never worked with anyone brighter than Tom… more intolerant of stupidity or sloppy thinking than Tom…nor more insolent toward the hidebound.

His penchant for demanding clear thinking occasionally made some folks uncomfortable, but always produced top-notch results on range of important issues—including the issue of fundraising.

I’m so happy for the folks around Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.  In his position as a Regional Councillor voters are getting the benefit of a hell-raising official committed to the environment and intolerant of special interest pleading and governmental secrecy or sloth.

As he noted in yesterday’s post Tom is transferring a big block of his Agitator time to step up his efforts as the agitating publisher of BayBuzz, a first-rate regional magazine.

[ Below, from the Agitator scrapbook is ocular proof of an  Agitator editorial conference in our Southern Hemisphere HQ ]

I can’t thank Tom enough for our nearly 50 years of friendship and  for all he’s done  (and will do!) for The Agitator .

But in terms of the difference he’s made toward a better world, I want to recognize him for his skill and tenacity at taking on tough issues and challenges.

Thanks to Tom and his work at Common Cause, my State of Florida, and lots of other states, have open government and public records laws baked into their constitutions.  18-year-olds have the right to vote. And ordinary citizens now have rights and access not present before he rolled up his sleeves.

Thanks to Tom and his work in the Carter White House and as head of Marketing and Communications for The Environmental Defense Fund, there’s a legacy of environmental and conservation gains that will hopefully survive the Trump onslaught.

Thanks to Tom and his partnership with Ted Turner in founding the Better World Society great gains were made on popularizing and acting on BIG issues nuclear proliferation and world population growth.

Tom is one of those rare dreamers and activists who understand the importance of mastering legislative policy, political organizing while also linking them to mastery of the engine of fundraising and communications.  He understands that the first two can’t move forward without the latter.

I’m thrilled to see the outpouring of tributes and thanks to Tom from Agitator readers, many from folks he’s worked with or mentored over the years.

Please keep the kudos coming. They won’t go to his head.  He’ll be grateful. And, in all probablility  he’ll simply advise us, in the words of Yogi Berra, “Always go to other peoples’ funerals.  Otherwise, they won’t come to yours.”


P.S.  I’ll be back on Monday with the 3,0002nd post to outline what lies ahead.  Have a good weekend.

7 responses to “The 3,001st Post — Giving Thanks for Tom”

  1. Lorna says:

    Tom – I have been reading your posts about fundraising for a few years now. You have shaped the way I approach what I do and for this I am forever grateful. All the best to you. All the way from downunder.

  2. I first met and had Belford as a client when he was at what is now Environmental Defense Fund and what was Environmental Defense Fund but not before a brief period in between where it pulled a “half-Prince” and dropped the “Fund” but not quite going full symbol…

    This name change merry-go-round underscores why Tom has fought so hard, so persistently and for so long – stupid sometimes wins and change is often paradoxically easier when it is dumb and harder when it isn’t.

    Tom has always fought for smart change and as Roger notes, he has always brought equal doses of with and acumen to the fight.

    The next gig I did with Tom was selling bourbon. Or more accurately, trying to sell more bourbon. God’s work? To us bourbon drinkers, yes. Different companies, different worlds but he still brought the same sharp, unique marketing mind that demanded evidence and rigor over gut instinct and ‘best practice’.

    Tom, it wasn’t until typing this that I realize how interrelated the fundraising world and bourbon world might be. If only we had we setup bourbon tasting stations at all the fundraising conferences we’d have doubled their global sales.

  3. Kath Delaney says:

    Thank you both for your decades of leadership, counsel and deep smarts!!

  4. Charles Inlander says:

    Having known both you and Tom for more than 35 years, I can attest and second all you say Roger. Tom is a great thinker, helped me launch an organization and growing it into a major force. And you and Tom together have been and are a dynamic duo. Best wishes to you both. It’s wonderful to know that there are still people, like the two of you, trying to help others make a difference.


  5. Cindy Courtier says:

    Chur, bro!

  6. Tom Belford says:

    OK, so it’s clear Roger and I have a shameless two-person mutual admiration society going!

    But that aside, thanks so much for the kind words — and encouragement for the future — you all have sent. I’m deeply grateful.

    The Agitator is all about trying to make a difference for a profession that exists to make a difference. And I’m thrilled to hear in your comments that Roger and I have had some success at that. Talk about leverage!

    Everybody … back to work now!


  7. FINALLY!!!!!! I know what Tom Belford looks like. OFcourse, your words never needed an actual human face, Tom. Because your words are human and humane and angry cool and and and …

    Thank you. And continue having fun and making a difference!