The Agitator Christmas Tradition Continues

December 24, 2018      Roger Craver


For some it’s the Yule Log. For others, mistletoe, For still others, mincemeat pie.

For us, it’s Christmas carols.

Here is The Agitator’s most enduring tradition.

For our 12th Christmas, and into our thirteenth year, we urge you to get into a mirthful holiday spirit by enjoying to this unforgettable rendition of O Holy Night.

As we’ve noted before, Tom weeps at this performance, as it takes him back to Midnight Mass and his Catholic grammar school choir days. Fortunately there are not many people still around who have heard Tom’s schoolboy rendition of this, his favorite hymn. And even more fortunate, none of those can track him down at The Agitator.

We guarantee this performance will inspire you well into the New Year. But you must listen to the entire performance to feel its full power. No irreverence intended.

O Holy Night

May we all approach life, and our beliefs, with such passion … and a sense of humor.

Happy Holidays!

Roger, Tom and Nick

4 responses to “The Agitator Christmas Tradition Continues”

  1. Fraser Green says:

    omg roger – you made my ears bleed!
    on christmas freakin’ eve!
    tanks fur nuttin…

  2. T’was such fun listening to this. I do remember it from years past. Please keep doing it forever!!! Happy new year. Bonne année.

  3. Cindy Courtier says:

    Perhaps we might change the title to “O UnHoly Night”?

    Thanks for everything.

    May you and yours be blessed during this holiday season and on into a bright New Year.

  4. Jay Love says:

    Love this tradition!