The Agitator vs The Chronicle

August 13, 2013      Admin

Yesterday Roger wrote, in effect, ‘Get real fundraisers, to raise money, focus on Boomers and older.” Indeed, I once heard Roger comment that funeral directors don’t try to sell burial plots to teenagers … they patiently await their market!

But then today, the Chronicle of Philanthropy urges: “People in their 20s and 30s already donate a third of the money raised by charities, and nonprofits that engage them now will reap the rewards later.”

What’s a poor fundraiser to do?

Methinks it’s a matter of balance.

Sure, there might be a cause or charity out there that by its core mission might be targeted specifically at young donors … and use tactics and channels favored by that audience. But c’mon, that has to be the exception to the norm. Name one.

For virtually all mainstream charities and causes, the giving audience is going to be overwhelmingly Boomers and older — a function of life stage (which includes increasing other-directedness) and, for many, disposable income.

But I suspect that few fundraisers actually target older donors (other than perhaps some seat-of-the-pants choices made about prospecting lists). More likely, you throw out a large net based upon presumed affinity (however that judgment has been made), get your response, and then later ‘discover’ that — lo and behold — your donors are actually older versus younger.

And you probably only know that in the aggregate sense because maybe you did a donor survey that reported 75% of your donors said they were over 50.

What you probably do not know is the age of your individual donors. Which of course is what you would need to know to do any serious follow-up customization and cultivation.

I was fascinated by the superb infographic in the Blackbaud study Roger reviewed  yesterday. It alone was ‘worth the price of admission’!

At the very end, it offers an idea:

Build relationships and increase the lifetime value of your donor base



P.S. As for the right balance in chasing older versus younger donors. My own approach would be to: 1) be mindful of taking steps — communications-wise — to keep my brand current and relevant; 2) experiment with modest investments in channels and tactics aimed at engaging younger donors (all about testing and learning); but 3) focus my actual fundraising money and energy very heavily on fishing where the fish are … in the older demographic.

Whaddya say, am I too old-fashioned?

4 responses to “The Agitator vs The Chronicle”

  1. The biggest confirmation for me from that infographic was that my organization is on the right track, making some adjustments to engage Boomers. Our donor base is solidly in the 68+ range currently, and in my opinion, we take pretty good care of those folks. And we will continue to do so.

    On the other hand, the Boomers think very differently about our organization than their parents. So as we have engaged more and more of them in our mission, it’s meant subtle shifts in the way we operate. And not just in fundraising, but across the board as Boomers with capacity get engaged with various aspects of our mission.

  2. Peter Baker says:

    Several years ago at the Canadian Marketing Association, we presented profiles from four large Canadian NGOs to offset the pervasive impression that all donors were elderly Caucasian ladies. The data showed conclusively that there were significant pockets of younger, affluent donors which our clients knew about and continue to cultivate. KNOW THEIR BIRTHDAYS – YOU BET!

  3. Kim Silva says:

    What is a good way to gather birthday data that doesn’t offend people? I’ve been noodling about just including it in my reply devices. Are people turned off by that? I’d love to use it as a stewardship tool, too.

  4. Tom Ahern says:

    Did anyone check the address on that Chronicle data? I think it’s from another planet. In Australia, with its hyper-advanced street fundraising programs, YES, 20-somethings and 30-somethings represent significant %s of donors. [Of course, it’s not all curdled whey and cobbler: those 20-somethings likely quit within 12 months.] In America? Until street fundraising becomes more than a rounding error (which is has already for charities like Plan), the American philanthropic marketplace will remain DOMINATED by the 55-and-older donor.