The Online Yield From Direct Mail

September 6, 2012      Admin

Stacy Guidice at Grizzard sent us these interesting stats on the extent to which first-time online gifts are driven by direct mail.

Analysts at Grizzard matched first-time online gifts against mailing lists used in parallel for one of their clients, Rescue Missions.

A median of 35% of first-time online gifts could be matched back to direct mail appeals — with highs of 62% and 60% in two cases.

Maybe you online fundraisers out there owe your direct mail colleagues a bottle of wine!

Anyone else with direct mail > online stats like these to share?


9 responses to “The Online Yield From Direct Mail”

  1. I’ve long suspected this. It’s why being in multiple channels is so important. A rising tide raises all boats. Thanks for sharing!

  2. 88% of our online gifts in this last FY were directly attributable either to our telephone or direct mail appeals.

  3. At Amnesty USA, we did a similar analysis and found that 25% of a fiscal year’s worth of online revenue from first-time donors was contributed by recipiants of, but not respondents to, a DM acquisition piece.

  4. Thanks for the call out Tom! I’m looking forward to seeing others comments and experiences. “A rising tide raises all boats” is a great saying for this by Claire.

  5. Kelly says:

    I hope the online fundraisers and their direct mail colleagues are having a glass of wine while developing the initial strategy. Great results.

  6. Tom, it is great to see more organizations recognizing the value of one channel driving gifts to another. We have been doing this type of analysis for over 10 years for our clients and find that we can attribute anywhere from 27% to over 40% of online gifts to a mail piece. In addition, to jump on last week’s telemarketing bandwagon we also see a spike in mail and online gifts from donors who say “no” to a telemarketing call. This reinforces the importance of keeping messaging consistent across channels.

  7. Lisa Sargent says:

    Bless you guys for being a voice of sanity. Thanks a million for sharing results, all.

  8. Nick Mason says:

    It’s worth considering the baseline of the ratio when doing this sort of analysis. “x% of online revenue was contributed by recipients of a DM acqusition piece” actually tells you about overstating the online revenue – which is interesting, but not normally decisive. “Income from a DM acquisition piece was increased by x% when online revenue from the recipients was also taken into account” provides clarity on the real ROI of the acquisition activity, and is critical in determining allocation of spend.

    The two ratios are of course related, but not in concert with each other. Unless you stick to one, less numerate colleagues might get confused.

  9. Yes! Finally someone writes about channel.