The Perfect E-Commerce Page

October 17, 2017      Admin

The most basic attribute of good fundraising webpages is simplicity — don’t ask for anything extraneous to ‘closing the sale’, pre-populate donor information when available, require as few clicks as possible. Make it easy, easy, easy.

I figure a good online fundraiser could probably come up with a list of 10 or a dozen ‘must haves’. We posted on the subject numerous times, like here, here and here.

That’s why I was startled by this article headline on MarketingProfs: 72 Must-Have Features for E-Commerce Websites (promising an all-inclusive infographic).

72 “must-have” features! Wow, I thought, that’ll be one pretty damn comprehensive infographic. Naturally I was hooked.

So here it is, from WebAlive — everything from ‘Risk Reducers’ to Live Chat. Not everything here will be pertinent to fundraisers (unless you sell heaps of merchandise or are The Heifer Project), but still, take a browse …

Anybody got a #73?!


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