The Uniqueness of Generations?

December 8, 2021      Roger and Kevin

In an Agitator rarity, we give you the unabridged post of another, Bob Hoffman, whose profaneness is outdone only by an Agitator editor (or two).

Enough said, here’s Bob.

One of the great idiocies of the marketing industry is the belief in the uniqueness of generations — Gen X is this…Millennials are that…Baby Boomers are the other.

It’s all bullshit generated by researchers to sell their “expertise” and maybe a few more research studies along the way.

Here’s a little quiz to demonstrate my point. MediaPost had an article this week in which they talked to a “Senior Director of Insights and Marketing” about what a certain generation wants from brands, and “how it is different from past generations.” See if you can identify the generation in question…

“…the goal is for brands to demonstrate an ability to help (this generation) create the lives they envision based on passions and purposes …”

This generation is “…defined by a sense of promise and possibility… a sense of empowerment that they could expect more from every stage of life than previous generations…”

They…“are pursuing passions and purpose and are highly receptive to brands that help them create the lives they envision.”

“…marketers that demonstrate a knowledge of this demo and provide value as it relates to supporting their passions and purpose are most successful…”

Title of the article? “What The 70-Plus Demo Wants From Brands”


One response to “The Uniqueness of Generations?”

  1. This post is perfectly accurate! I’m saying that with the authority of 600,000 primary surveys we’ve conducted, in 152 languages, that prove the point.

    People within a generational cohort (or ANY demographic cohort) share the same values, wants, needs and expectations ONLY 10.5% of the time. that means 90% of the time if you use demographic profiles to try and understand your target audience you will get it wrong.

    Instead, we should segment people based on what drives their decisions: their core values. We launched the Valuegraphics Project to measure the core values of everyone on earth, and now that the database is complete it’s a kind of directory of why people do the things they do. Tons of free insights and information on our work at

    Thanks for this post. It’s important that we keep working to #disruptdemographics because they don’t work, and they perpetuate stereotypes that fuel ageism, sexism, racism, homophobia…the list is long!

    If we want to change the world we must start by changing the way we look at the world.