The Wall’s Going Up, But Special Reprieve Granted

July 1, 2013      Admin

Today, great news (depending on your perspective).

Response to our ‘Kill’ or ‘Continue’ The Agitator proposition has come down decidedly on the side of ‘Continue’. So, The Agitator lives on.

We think that’s great news, and we sincerely thank you for your early, encouraging support. We are pledged to make The Agitator more and more stimulating and helpful.

Of course, the ‘bad’ news is that this means The Agitator is going behind a paywall. Hey, we’re just following your votes.

Which means that The Agitator will be available only to paying subscribers. You’ll recall our unique offer: You decide how much The Agitator is worth — $15 (minimum) or $15,000 per year, whatever, and pay that amount. You choose the price.

You might want to subscribe right now.

If you don’t subscribe, you will still get 10 ‘freeviews’ of The Agitator’s content before The Wall blocks your access. You can use your 10 ‘freeviews’ in 10 minutes or 10 days or 10 months … whenever. But once you viewed 10 items for free, The Wall goes up for you.

OK, maybe to you that’s bad news.

So we’ll soften it with a bit more good news.

Instead of our planned launch date of 1 July for The Wall, we are delaying the launch until Monday the 8th of July. Not because we’re especially generous, but because we know lots of Agitator readers in the US and Canada will be celebrating Independence Day and Canada Day, respectively, with a long break from work.

And as you know, if a tree falls in the forest, and there’s no one around … !

But if you happen to be at work this week, we hope those who haven’t yet decided to subscribe to The Agitator will choose to do so.

Whether or not you pay to subscribe, you will continue to receive our usual weekday articles emailed via Feedblitz, like this one. However, starting 8 July you will only receive an abbreviated preview version.

Sorry to be a tease, but that’s what The Wall is all about. Making our content exclusive to the most dedicated fundraisers.

You’ll continue receiving the preview version unless you opt out of the Feedblitz feed. Of course, we hope you won’t do that! We’ve enjoyed and appreciated having you as part of The Agitator tribe.

There’s no finer tribe in the fundraising biz. Stick with us!

Roger and Tom

One response to “The Wall’s Going Up, But Special Reprieve Granted”

  1. Heather says:

    I’m the first to comment? I guess most offices really are dead this week!

    I’m glad I decided to catch up on my feed reading today; now I won’t get stuck behind the wall. There are tons of blogs out there (information overload, anyone?), but I can always count on The Agitator not to waste my time. Thanks for your insightful and thought-provoking posts.

    My first reaction to the wall was that I’m fine with subscribing, but what about the other fundraisers who haven’t discovered your blog yet? Can I no longer share with them? I’m very glad you’re providing the 10 freeviews. That way whenever my fellow fundraisers reach your blog for the first time, they can see what kind of content you post and what you’re all about. Which will probably inspire them to subscribe.