Top Celebrity Resuscitates Cause

April 1, 2008      Admin

By far the biggest buzz at this week’s Association of Fundraising Professionals conference concerns the landing of Ted Danson as the spokesperson for the Flehner-Lathrop Syndrome Foundation.

Says FLS Foundation director Paula Brooks: "Before this, the closest thing we had to a celebrity afflicted with FLS was a cousin of Al Jarreau’s. Obviously, this is a big step up."

Adds FLS Foundation director of communications Mark Knoll:

"I know of diseases that afflict 10 to 20 times as many people as ours, and they don’t have a spokesperson anywhere near as big as Ted Danson. I mean, look at cardiofibrilitis – 1 in 20,000 Americans are afflicted, and all they’ve got is Alfonso Ribiero. Talk about low-wattage advocacy."

For the full story, go to The Onion. I pray that Agitator readers know what The Onion is!
