Top Ten Cliches That Work In Copy

December 27, 2006      Admin

From our archives. Happy Holidays!

From Guest Agitator Jerry Huntsinger …

If you’ve heard it over and over and over again, yes it’s a cliché.
But is a cliché bad for your letter? Nope, because a cliché turns a light on inside your reader’s mind. Avoiding clichés leaves the reader in darkness.

1. Here’s how you can…

2. Let me show you…

3. The quickest way to…

4. One-of-a-kind

5. Isn’t it about time that…

6. Once in a lifetime

7. Once and for all

8. Discover the truth about

9. Urgently needed

10. You’ll be surprised to learn that…

If you have more, or better ones, we'd love to hear them.