UK Donor Commitment Study
Our colleagues at DonorVoice are going to replicate in the UK their recent US study of donor commitment.
The call is out for UK charities who would like to participate in the study, which will be conducted in association with Ken Burnett and SOFII. Here is what Ken said about the US study, as well as an Executive Summary describing what that well-received work revealed.
There are two elements to this project. The first will study a representative sample of recent, frequent UK cause donors. This work provides the national benchmark.
The second element looks at the same issues using samples (with transaction histories) from house files provided by participating UK organizations. To ensure adequate sample sizes, the study is best suited to larger charities operating on a national scale.
UK participants will be charged a £1,000 fee each to cover direct costs of the work.
If you would like to consider participating, the DonorVoice information and sign-up page is here.