US Govt Buys Twitter, Facebook!
Breaking news from reliable Agitator sources …
Realising that social nets like Twitter and Facebook have yet to establish a viable business model, but are essential for promoting democracy (at least abroad), the US Government has decided to purchase the two networks outright.
Said President Obama: "We would have preferred to see that users of these networks valued them enough to actually pay for their services, but this is just too much to ask for in the Web 3.0 environment. I know this might sound harsh, but it seems like the social net users are spoiled brats and the current net owners have no b***s."
He added: "However, I want to assure the social net community that the US Government will interfere in no way with the content published on our your sites."
As Janice Christensen noted in her Guest Agitator post yesterday, the social nets indeed have enormous mobilizing power — and fundraising potential. But will they survive? I think Cathy Taylor, a writer and blogger on media trends at MediaPost, has nailed the matter here.
How much would you pay for your Twitter or Facebook account (given that you clearly don’t want advertising on either)?
Most wouldn’t pay a dime.
If they started charging, someone – somewhere, would create new free versions and people would move there.
People don’t want old school advertising. But they’ll create a relationship with organizations and participate, if you invest time in them.
The world is changing. You can’t make it go backwards. Time to figure out how to go forward, effectively.