Useful Promises

October 11, 2012      Admin

Here’s a Seth Godinism about marketing that might apply to fundraising … I’ve made one word change to help you decide.

Useful and believable promises

“That’s another way to think about marketing.

We only sign up/pay attention to/pay for offers from marketers when:

What’s promised is something we think is worth more than it costs


We believe you’re the best person to keep that promise.

This applies to resumes, meetings and even the kid raking your lawn.

If your marketing fundraising isn’t working, it’s either because your promises aren’t useful (and big) enough or we don’t believe you’re the one to keep them.”

Well, what do you think?

Take Charity:Water, for example. They make useful and big promises. Then they make compelling videos documenting that they deliver on the promises. And they seem to be doing quite well, thank you.

Who else do you see making a big — and credible — promise?
