We Are Our Digital Footprint

November 29, 2021      Kevin Schulman, Founder, DonorVoice and DVCanvass

We are our Personality.  Our behavior regularly reflects who we are as we make choices in keeping with how we view the world.

For example, if you smile and have a background picture with human interactions and sports activities listed on your LinkedIn profile there is a near 100% you are extroverted.  And that means you’ll likely do well in jobs requiring teamwork and sales activity.

If your profile has been more recently updated combined with listing organizational skills a list of courses attended at college you are all but guaranteed to be high in Conscientiousness. This person will meet deadlines, go the extra mile at work and be detail oriented.

This table shows all the correlations between the Big Five – Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism (OCEAN) – and a myriad of LinkedIn profile attributes.


Click to enlarge

Who cares?

Personality predicts health, morbidity, occupation, entrepreneurship rates, innovation, political values, regional stereotypes, income inequality and economic behavior.  It also predicts how you present yourself on Facebook, Twitter and yes, LinkedIn.

Personality is part of our chemical and biological makeup and helps explain many of life’s important choices and outcomes.

How in the world can we claim to be donor-centric or doing our marketing and fundraising in an optimal way if we don’t factor in such a foundational piece of human decision making?    What the hell does that rhetorical even mean?

  • We know where to find different Personalities in the digital and physical world
  • We know how to tailor all copy –  digital ads, letters – to match Personality and increase the chance the copy/ad/appeal is seen, mentally processed and acted on.
