What Do Women Want … On the Net?

February 14, 2008      Admin

This article from Ad Age says that 2007 was the year that women became more than 50% of online users.

What do women want online? Ad Age pulled some factoids from various studies, for example:

  • Community — visits to "women’s community" sites like iVillage jumped 35% last year, and such sites tied with "politics" as the most visited and fastest growing internet category;
  • Online video — still lagging men a bit, but big consumers of online news … and movie previews; 
  • Shopping — 54% shopped online in first half of 2007 (68% of women with HH incomes of $100K or more) … more likely than men to make impulse purchases (maybe donations too?);
  • Health info — 84% of women sought it … 50% turn to net more than they consult their doctors.

Lady Agitators … sound like you?
