What is GPT’s Personality?

January 26, 2024      Kevin Schulman, Founder, DonorVoice and DVCanvass

Can a machine have a Personality?  Well, it can be instructed to produce copy that matches certain traits and with guidance, does this quite well.

A machine can be programmed to identify and match or mimic the dominant trait of a human on the other side of a text or chatbot conversation.  This mirroring technique enhances user experience by creating a sense of familiarity and ease in the conversation.  The human on the receiving end feels “understood” by the AI.

GPT-4 and all its future state brethren are mosaics of humanity.  When given the Big Five Personality Assessment it results in a blended, composite average of humankind.  GPT is us, we are GPT.

All that training data, that massive treasure trove of internet data is a reflection of its creators.  Those creators are us and when we buy, write, type, click, express, donate or do online, we reflect who we are.

But we don’t exist as an amalgam, we exist individually.  I can know the personality of GPT, the world, a segment…and yes, Donor X on your file.

Donor X has contributed to the rich mosaic of GPT, indirectly and in their own personal way.  As has Donor Y and Z.  You can know the specific, individual personality profile for each person on your file click here to learn how) and have GPT produce very solid, first-draft copy for each of those people because it knows those people.

Or you can keep pretending that sustainer, lapsed, old person, young person, active 0-12, etc. are useful distinctions and that one-size-fits-all communication is the best we can do.

