Why Are You Waiting?

July 17, 2024      Roger Craver

             More than a decade ago before fleeing to New Zealand, Tom Belford, then co-editor of The Agitator dismissed my enthusiasm for a budding new media tool—the Podcast.

            With a swipe of his keyboard he proclaimed, “Podcasts are the over-hyped Segways of the new media world. They’re for eccentrics like Roger, who undoubtedly will attempt to defend himself in a lame comment … keep in mind, Roger was a big fan of 8-track audiocassettes!”

          Two years later in Podcasting: Unicorn or Real Opportunity? I noted Tom’s Podcast-as-Segway had become a significant force for engagement—including donors and prospects– and cited the following:

  1. Growth in Listenership: Tom’s forecast of doom had transformed into an audience 73 million Americans was exploding. In the two-year period 2016-2018 podcast consumption had grown by 76%.
  2. Engagement Levels: We noted  the high engagement levels among podcast listeners, with 80% consuming most or all of an episode and an average weekly consumption of seven podcasts.
  3. Mobile Consumption: We pointed out that the majority of podcast listening occurred on mobile devices, with a notable increase from 55% in 2015 to 64% in 2018.
  4. Demographics: We observed a growing share of American women among podcast listeners, while the share of men remained flat.

             So where are we today?  Here’s a comparison of my 2018 report to the current state of podcasting in 2024:

  1. Significant Audience Growth: The number of podcast listeners has continued to rise dramatically. As of recent estimates, 40% of Americans now listen to podcasts regularly an audience of 132 million. The total number of podcast listeners globally is estimated at nearly 505 million. ​​
  2. Sustained Engagement: Engagement levels remain high, with 70% of monthly podcast listeners not engaging in other activities while listening, underscoring the immersive nature of podcasts. The average listener continues to consume multiple episodes per week, maintaining the deep connection between podcasts and their audiences​.
  3. Explosive Growth in Content: The number of available podcasts has exploded from 350,000 in 2018 to over 6 million on Spotify alone in 2024, showcasing a vast expansion in content and diversity of topics​​.
  4. Broadening Demographics: The demographic characteristics of podcast listeners have broadened, with significant engagement from younger audiences such as millennials and Gen Z, who are digitally savvy. And for us geezers born in the age of radio 28% of Americans 65+ listen regularly to podcasts.
  5. Podcast Use by Nonprofits: Nonprofits have increasingly adopted podcasts for storytelling, donor engagement, and fundraising. While I suggested in 2018 that nonprofits explore the potential of podcasts, today many organizations actively use them to build deeper connections with their donors.

            In fact, the  potential for engagement I noted in 2018 has not only occurred,  but  accelerated, making podcasting an even more integral part of the media landscape and a valuable tool for nonprofits.  In short, more and more charities and advocacy groups are increasingly embracing podcasting as a medium to build their constituencies, communicate with donors, and raise funds.

Fundraising Through Podcasts

            Nonprofits are using podcasts in several ways to support fundraising efforts:

  1. Direct Appeals: Integrating donation requests within podcast episodes and show notes, often linking to easy-to-use online donation platforms.
  2. Donor Stewardship: Creating special podcast episodes or series for major donors, showcasing the impact of their contributions and maintaining engagement.
  3. Corporate Sponsorships: Incorporating sponsor messages or highlights into podcast content, similar to traditional media advertising models but tailored to nonprofit missions.
  4. Donor Tiers: Offering exclusive podcast content as part of tiered donor benefits, providing additional value and recognition for higher levels of support.

            Across our sector podcasting offers a versatile and effective medium to enhance their outreach, deepen donor relationships, and support fundraising activities.

            What strikes me as particularly valuable given today’s Tik-Tok attention spans is the immersive, highly engaging nature of the podcast.  The research I’ve done clearly indicates podcasts have become a staple in the daily media consumption of many people.  About 70% of monthly podcast listeners report they do not engage in other activities while listening.

            And please note this: 80% of all podcast listeners consume all or most of each episode and consume an average of 7 podcasts a week with 80% consuming most or all of an episode and an average weekly consumption of seven podcasts.

            Has your organization seized this opportunity?  Please share your experience.


One response to “Why Are You Waiting?”

  1. bob Hartsook says:

    Roger, thank goodness you were right. And your message was clear and vivid., Fund raising counseling has bloomed into the unnecessary. You speak with a direct and authoritative voice.