Women On The Web

July 29, 2010      Admin

comScore, a leading collector and analyst of digital/internet data, has just released Women on the Web: How Women Are Shaping the Internet.

From the introduction to their 31-page global study:

“Everyone from advertisers to content producers to agencies to non-profits to politicians and policy makers can benefit from understanding Web usage through a gender-specific lens. While some female behaviors are somewhat obvious, others are quite surprising. What we thought we knew about how moms, college girls, and retirees use the Web is constantly evolving. So if there is even a trace of a cultural anthropologist in you, and if you are curious about what can be learned by passively observing how women use the Web across the world, then read on.”

Here’s an example of the data presented:

In terms of online buying, women’s contribution to online e-commerce is greater than men’s in terms of percentage of buyers, transactions and dollars. Women are also far more likely to use functionality on social media sites that allow them to share opinions and discuss potential purchases with friends and people in their networks (e.g. the ‘Like’ button on Facebook).

Women have their vices too. They’re no too far behind men in visiting Adult Content sites, and about even when it comes to Gambling and Lotto/Sweepstakes sites.

As comScore says, read on!


One response to “Women On The Web”

  1. Jim McLachlan says:

    What surprised me the most was the online gaming figures.