August 16, 2018      Roger Craver

Soon we’ll enter the “crank-up-for-year-end-giving-and-2019- acquisition -efforts” phase of the year and we’ll have lots to say about key elements of all that.

However, let’s not forget that behind all the research, advice, commenting and debate the Agitatorand our readers engage in we’re all participants in a shared and fundamental mission: changing the world. Making a difference.

So, I want to call your attention to a new feature over at the SOFI (the Showcase of Fundraising Innovation and Inspiration.

It’s called WoW –an acronym for World-Changers At Work—and it’s launching an series aimed at exploring how different folks are making a difference “from their desks.”

WoWintends to go beyond the world of nonprofits and the voluntary sector to also look at corporate social engagement, the folks who work for those corporations to answer the question: how do others—in and outside the field of conventional fundraising make a difference?

There are case studies and interviews AND– most important of all—an opportunity for everyone to weigh in with their thoughts, comments and even illustrations of the work they’re doing.

There’s no question that in a fast-changing world we all need to get better at sharing experiences and paying closer attention to what others –in all parts of the world—are doing. What’s succeeding?  What’s not.

The “why” of WoW is explained here.  And SOFII’s plans for content and projects outlined here

For starters WoW has already posted four case studies or interviews that deserve your attention.



And let’s not forget the Millennials.

Whether you’re a millennial or not, you’ll find this new series, edited and moderated by Joe Burnett, of welcome new interest. A break from the day-to-day in the weeds business of direct response fundraising .

So, give WoW a lookand become part of the conversation and exploration.

