Your Gift of 16 Minutes

July 18, 2018      Roger Craver

Adrian Sargeant and his crew at the Philanthropy Centre need 16 minutes of your help.

Here’s why.

They’re undertaking a major study on how best to measure an organiztion’s “philanthropic orientation.”  The end product will be a simple questionnaire that you and other organizations can put to work to determine what steps they need to take to improve performance.

BUT…to get to that simple and effective questionnaire they have to start with a wider pool of questions.  Then, with the results of those questions in hand, they’ll statistically distill them to the barest and most important essential characteristics.

Adrian is inviting Agitator readers to participate in this critical, early stage.  I urge you to join in by completing this confidential questionnaire.

Completing the surveywill take no more than 16 minutes. So please, take a break and take the survey now.

Thanks to your participation in the Centre’s research we’ll all be able to learn how well our organizations are doing in these key dimensions:

  • Donor Centricity
  • Philanthropy seen as the Core of the Organization
  • Board Engagement
  • Innovation/Learning Culture

Here are some of the answers to key questions that will spring from this research. Just how philanthropically-oriented is your organization?  Does your organization recognize the unique nature of philanthropy and the meaning it can offer supporters?  Does it truly understand the role that whole-organization stewardship can play in developing that philanthropy?

These are important issues that our sector wrestles with daily, but there has been surprisingly little research into the factors that drive fundraising success and how well nonprofits are delivering on these dimensions.

So please, take a moment right now and complete Adrian’s survey.

As a thank-you The Philanthropy Centre will send you a summary of the results when they become available in the Fall.

And remember, literally every reply the ressearchers receive makes a difference.  So please act today.

Thank you.


P.S.  Please forward this post to colleagues.  The more responses the better.  This is a research effort designed to boost all of our futures.





3 responses to “Your Gift of 16 Minutes”

  1. Jay Love says:

    Thanks for highlighting Adrian and his team’s work Roger!

    The sector’s body of knowledge is set to expand again…

  2. Lisa Bonds says:

    I would love to receive a copy of all of the questions — would be very helpful to guide strategy re: ensuring that our org moves closer to a culture of philanthropy.

  3. Roger Craver says:


    As noted in the post, those who complete the survey will receive the questions and the results of the research. So please complete the survey and pass the word along to colleagues. Many thanks.