827 Years of Direct Mail in 40 Minutes,37 Seconds

March 21, 2022      Roger Craver

“Power corrupts.  PowerPoint Corrupts Absolutely.”  —Edward Tufte

All of us who’ve suffered through interminable series of PowerPoint slides at conference after conference can certainly agree with Prof. Tufte, a pioneer in the field of information design and data visualization.

HOWEVER….here’s an exception.  A masterclass in 827 years of direct mail history presented in 40 minutes and 37 seconds.

Preparation of this presentation consumed three months’ time of Denny Hatch, our friend and Direct Mail Great.  In his words, “It starts with a fire that destroyed Chartres Cathedral in 1194 A.D. and ends with a junk mail effort that became the most successful advertisement in the history of the world. The 775-word letter that brought in $2 billion dollars.”

If you wonder why The Agitator is fascinated by direct mail, or better yet, if you share our fascination, you absolutely must spend the next 40 minutes and 42 seconds viewing this video of Denny’s PowerPoint presentation.

Once again, our thanks and yet another Agitator Raise to Denny Hatch.


P.S. For the fascinating backstory to this presentation and the exclusive direct marketing society, Titans Mastermind, for which it was created see Denny’s description here.

One response to “827 Years of Direct Mail in 40 Minutes,37 Seconds”

  1. Watching this is well worth your time, and another reason why everyone should get on Denny’s email list.